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Renaissance Executive Forums Silicon Valley
Strategic Planning
Value Builder Program

The Resource For Real Business Solutions

Renaissance EXECUTIVE FORUMS of Silicon Valley organizes business owners into a collaborative groups called “CEO Advisory Roundtables” to help intentionally scale their business and personal growth and improve their lives. Our members include a wide variety of non-competing businesses of comparatively sized companies spanning numerous industries.


Learning from others who have gone through what you are facing today not only helps you resolve issues quickly, it also gives you the encouragement and support we all need when things start to weigh us down. We believe in raising the bar - Join our table.


In your competitve market, it is crucial to take measures to understand each aspect of your company as it grows. This assessment is completely confidential and is only discussed between you and your advisor. Our goal is to help you and your organization succeed.


Strategic planning is the most important step to provide all stakeholders with a clear vision of the company's goals. With our assistance, our members identify underlying faults that may hinder their company's growth and develop solutions.


Learning from others who have gone through what you are facing today not only helps you resolve issues quickly, it also gives you the encouragement and support we all need when things start to weigh us down. We believe in raising the bar - Join our table.


In your competitve market, it is crucial to take measures to understand each aspect of your company as it grows. This assessment is completely confidential and is only discussed between you and your advisor. Our goal is to help you and your organization succeed.


Strategic planning is the most important step to provide all stakeholders with a clear vision of the company's goals. With our assistance, our members identify underlying faults that may hinder their company's growth and develop solutions.

Our Commitment

Renaissance EXECUTIVE FORUMS is dedicated to the maximization of its human resources. Our Franchisees/ International Business Partners are our most important corporate resource. Their belief in us (Renaissance EXECUTIVE FORUMS Corporate) and their commitment to our common values of integrity, quality, profitability and people are the foundation for our successful future.

What Our Members Say
Joan Escover
Next Level Knowledge
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Joan Escover, Owner, Specializing in Custom Print Solutions and Packaging

I look forward to the monthly business roundtables where I get a chance to learn about relevant business topics, share my expertise with the other business owners, and grow my confidence as a leader while addressing the opportunities and challenges in my business, professional and personal life. Glenn has also worked with some of my team members resulting in additional free time for me to figure out our company’s next steps.

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